

十万火急!想寄super case行李箱

graces173 2010-5-31 13:44:17 邮寄 阅读 3683 来自: 澳大利亚
之前同学转学到墨尔本,可以在sandy bay邮局寄出带来的行李箱。我的行李箱比他的大一点,开眼角super case吧,但是sandy bay邮局的人说不能寄这么大的(是我英语不好还是无解了?)。请同学支招,city邮局可以寄吗?怎么寄这种超大行李呢?



vickyinsydney 来自: 澳大利亚


there's a limit on the size of the parcel.
the length + depth + width of your luggage can't exceed 160cm.
and there's also a limit on the total weight of the parcel, can't exceed 20kg.
the details of these criteria, you shall be able to find out on the Australia Post website.
as long as your luggage case fits in the above criteria, the post office can't reject your parcel.
if the counter staff still tries to say NO, just because it looks big, you can probably demand to speak to their manager, who usually will have a better understanding of all the rules, and would not want to have a scene.
good luck!
回复 · 2010-5-31 14:00:56