


xukai19870523 2010-6-2 01:00:21 阅读 3452 来自: 澳大利亚


Skills Assessment for Residence Visa

TRA is a skills assessing authority for the Australian Government  General Skilled Migration (GSM) program. TRA assesses over 170  occupations; most of these are trade occupations. Skills assessments are  needed to apply to the Australian Department of Immigration and  Citizenship for a residence visa for a skilled migrant.

第一类  技术工人移民项目。主要申请人是海外的技工、或者澳洲境内不具备澳洲学历有澳洲工作经验的技工、或者有雇主提名安排的技工
Skilled Worker Program
Applicants seeking a skills assessment for a residence visa

under the General Skilled Migration program from outside  Australia; or
under the General Skilled Migration program from within  Australia but do not hold an Australian qualification based on studies  undertaken in Australia; or
under employer sponsored arrangements

can apply under the Skilled Worker Program.

第二类 临时技术评估,只是给申请485签证的申请人
Provisional Skills Assessment
Applicants seeking a skills assessment for a Skilled Graduate  (Temporary) subclass 485 visa

who do not intend to apply for permanent migration; or
who intend to participate in the Job Ready Program

can apply for a Provisional Skills Assessment.

Please note: a Provisional Skills Assessment is not a  suitable skills assessment for any visa subclass other than a 485.

Job Ready Program
Applicants seeking a skills assessment for a residence visa

under the General Skilled Migration program from within  Australia; and
who hold an Australian qualification based on studies undertaken  in Australia; and
who have a 485 skilled graduate visa

can apply under the Job Ready Program.


Skills Assessment for Temporary Worker (457) visaThe Australian Government offers a program called the subclass 457 visa for Australian employers to sponsor approved skilled workers from outside Australia to work in Australia on a temporary visa.
Temporary workers applying for a 457 visa in certain trades and from the certain countries must undertake a skills assessment managed by TRA.


There is a five step assessment process:

Step 1 - Complete a self evaluation
Step 2 - Choose a Registered Training  Organisation
Step 3 - Provide evidence of your skills and  experience to a Registered Training Organisation.
Step 4 - Participate in a Technical interview
Step 5 - Receive Registered Training  Organisation assessment record
经过笔者的咨询,TRA评估机构回复说澳洲本地的毕业生持有AQF资格的,如果没有四年相关的工作经验的话,需要通过JPR评估后才能申请雇主担保,而不能通过第一类skilled worker program进行评估。这就大大增加了该类申请人申请856的难度。但是这里有一个变通的办法,就是先申请457,因为457相对JPR来说只要找一个RTO做个测试,合格的话就可以通过评估,那么在拿到457之后工作2年就可以申请856,最终达到移民的目的
