

lenah valley 三室两厅 主卧招couple 公交走路5分钟 宠物maybe

raerae 2022-3-1 14:07:09 阅读 1442 来自: 澳大利亚
霍巴特地区: New Town
房屋地址: lenah valley
房屋租期: 长租
房屋户型: House
出租方式: 单间
出租租金: 300
独立卫浴: 没有
允许宠物: 可以
入住时间: 2022-03-12
房屋来源: -
联系人: Andrew
手机号: 0416965773
本帖最后由 raerae 于 2022-3-1 16:00 编辑

房子是三室两厅两卫 出租的是主卧 超多storage,没有独立卫浴,但是浴室超大有浴缸,还有个sunroom,太阳天坐在里面看书超爽,景色也超级美!附近走路七八分钟内有药局、salamanca fresh、gp、加油站等等


哦对了,楼下还有个study,我男朋友在家办公、他和室友一起打游戏什么的,完全就是man cave
房间本是是有衣柜的,我们还有个queen bed可以便宜卖,或者你自己有家具也可以。

Master bedroom for rent in Lenah Valley
The place is a lovely 2 story 3 bedroom house situated in McGuinness Cres. There are plenty of North facing windows and it stays very warm upstairs. We have a great sunroom upstairs and an office and projector loungeroom downstairs. It has a huge backyard with fruiting trees and a good outdoor lounge setting.
The rent and bills are split equally among the tenants. Ideal new tenants would be a couple in your mid to late twenties/early thirties looking for a master bedroom in a friendly and relaxed household :). The lease is shared so you would be taking over the co-tenancy from me and my partner on 13th March
Rent is $300 per week, all bills split 4 ways. Utilities bills are usually very reasonable. We can leave the room furnished with bed and grid shelves for extra
Send me a message with a description about yourselves and why you would want to live here and we can arrange a time for you to have a look at the house and meet the housemates!
You will be sharing the house with Benni and Oscar. Both of the housemates are super friendly and easy to live with. Its a great balance of having people who are keen to hang out, have a chat, play some games and go out occasionally but also be respectful of each other's space. Benni is a super cheerful and relaxed guy who currently works full time as an electrical apprentice. Oscar works doing track building around Tasmania. He usually works 8 days on 5 days off but is currently working in NSW for the next month.

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Tasboy 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2022-3-1 17:13:39