

悉尼拘留中心再度爆發示威 九名中國人爬上屋頂抗議

ltonppl 2010-9-23 06:07:52 阅读 7712 来自: 澳大利亚
悉尼拘留中心再度爆發示威 九名中國人爬上屋頂抗議

他們是今天早上爬到屋頂的,本週一斐濟的難民申請者Josefa Rauluni就是從這裡縱身跳下自殺身亡的。


難民行動聯盟(Refugee Action Coalition)發言人Ian Rintoul稱在今天進行抗議的九人中有一名懷孕三個月的孕婦和他的伴侶,年齡都是二十多歲。

移民部在接受澳洲人報(The Australian)的採訪時說抗議是今天早上8點左右開始的。移民部的一位發言人說:“我們必須強調的是這些人並非船民。”她說拘留中心的管理方Serco正在繼續與這些人協商,希望他們能儘快結束示威。

難民權益宣導者Sara Nathan稱這些人的難民申請已經被拒,他們希望自己的申請能得到重新審理。Nathan說:“他們希望自己的申請能被儘快樹立,他們在那裡已經待了近10個月了。”

反對黨移民事務發言人莫里森(Scott Morrison)警告說可能會有更多人效仿,進行類似的示威活動。他說工党去年與海洋維京(Oceanic Viking)號上的難民達成協議已經開了一個先例。他說:“我知道現在只有一些人在那裡抗議,但實際上這是在模仿。工黨的問題是太多人被羈押,不少人被羈押的時間過長,(拘留中心)的氣氛越來越緊張。”

西澳州長巴內特(Colin Barnett)表示他也認為在未來幾周內拘留中心可能會有更多人出來抗議。

新聞來源:《網上唐人街》http://www.chinatown.com.au/news ... 58550&videourl=



ltonppl 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


原文(來源):http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/second ... 20100922-15mtc.html

Second roof-top protest at Villawood detention centre
September 22, 2010 - 7:32PM

Chinese detainees at Villawood Detention Centre. Photo: Wolter Peeters

Nine Chinese protesters say they’ll spend the night on the roof of a Sydney detention centre and will jump off tomorrow afternoon if their demands aren’t met.

The five men and four women claim to have been on a hunger strike since Monday and all are threatening suicide if Australian authorities don’t agree to give them refugee protection visas.

One of the women has told refugee advocates she’s two months pregnant.

Speaking through a translator she says a 21-year-old man’s slashed himself with a blade and briefly lost consciousness.

The 32 year old woman says they had to hold him back from throwing himself off the roof but have not requested medical assistance.

A spokesman for the Immigration Department says reports one of protesters has collapsed aren’t true and that officials continue to negotiate with them.

The demonstration comes less than 16 hours after a tense 30-hour standoff with 11 mostly Tamil asylum seekers ended on the roof of another wing.
回复 · 2010-9-23 06:15:35
ltonppl 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


原文(來源):http://news.smh.com.au/breaking- ... 20100922-15mta.html

Protester collapses on roof
September 22, 2010 - 6:14PM

A Chinese national protesting at a Sydney detention centre is in a coma after slashing himself with a blade, one of his fellow rooftop demonstrators says.

Five men and four women climbed onto the roof of the Villawood Detention Centre at 9am (AEST) on Wednesday.

They claim to have been on a hunger strike since Monday, and all are threatening to jump if Australian authorities don't agree to give them refugee protection visas.

One of the women, Xiao Yun, 32, has told refugee advocates she is two months pregnant.

Speaking through a translator, who identified himself only as Baxter, Ms Yun said a 21-year-old man was in a coma after slashing himself.

She said the man had cut himself with a blade and nearly jumped off the roof.

Moments before he collapsed, Ms Yun said, he was "feeling very dizzy".

Ms Yun, who arrived in Australia on April 15, told Baxter that the father of her unborn child was protesting alongside her.

Baxter told reporters at the scene that the nine protesters planned to remain on the roof throughout the night and jump off together late on Thursday afternoon if their demands are not met.

Jamal Daoud of the Social Justice Network told AAP the group wanted their applications reviewed by independent bodies.

"They think if they are deported to China they will be tortured or killed," he said.
回复 · 2010-9-23 06:16:39
ltonppl 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


本帖最后由 ltonppl 于 2010-9-23 06:21 编辑

being tortured or killed…….:dizzy:

OMG !!!:L

回复 · 2010-9-23 06:17:21
bulekuler 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2010-9-23 09:15:27
terry 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2010-9-23 14:26:55
changster 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2010-9-23 15:13:19
Rang 来自: 澳大利亚


One woman claimed they are members of FL, Chiristian, Catholic.

回复 changster 的帖子

回复 · 2010-9-23 16:59:49
emmapenn 来自: 澳大利亚


爬上一个小二层楼威胁要跳楼自杀 这些人真做的出来 太丢人了 最好中国拒绝他们入境
回复 · 2010-9-23 21:53:24
ltonppl 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2010-9-24 15:50:14