

PT新政系列五:(来自MONASH大学)新打分系统下对职业年 Professional Year 的影响

指南针Sasa 2010-11-16 15:33:21 阅读 5432 来自: 澳大利亚

Greetings from Performance English
The Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Chris Bowan, yesterday announced a new points test to assess independent skilled migrants.  The new points test is proposed to take effect from 1 July 2011, subject to passing through Parliament, and will apply to anyone lodging an application from 1 July 2011.  Some details of the points test are included from the DIAC website.

Performance English has reviewed this policy and is currently seeking clarification from the relevant authorities on a number of the changes.  

A typical candidate for the Professional Year would need the following points breakdown:
(NB. Performance English is not a registered migration agency and these views are an interpretation of how we see the changes affecting our Professional Year program.  These views are not to be interpreted as migration advice.)

Category                      Points
Age (25-32)                   30
Australian Degree          15
Aus Study Requirement  5
Professional Year           5
IELTS 7.0                      10
Total                            65

Based on our current understanding, we interpret the changes will affect the Professional Year program (SMIPA and ACS alike) in the following ways:

students will need to gain an IELTS of 7.0 to get over the 65 point pass mark
students aged below 25 will be 5 points short of the required 65 points in this typical scenario

It is our opinion that the Professional Year remains a key part of the government’s skilled migration program, and clearly, the direction is to encourage the migration of proficient English language speakers.  As such, we remain committed to delivering the Professional Year program to the highest standards.

We recognise that all prospective students to this program and students who enrolled into the program after 2 August (with a graduation date after 1 July 2011) will need to gain an IELTS score of 7.0. To that effect, we will, in the coming weeks, announce a specialised IELTS program for our Professional Year students, designed to help them meet this requirement.  We are committed to making this as cost effective for both current and prospective students as possible and will keep all our stakeholders informed of these changes.

If you have any questions concerning this, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind Regards,



指南针Sasa 楼主 来自: 澳大利亚



Dear Partner,

As you will be aware, DIAC has released the new points test which comes into effect on July 1, 2011.

What does this mean for the Professional Year?

Students who started a PPA Professional Year course prior to September 2010 will not be affected as they will complete the program prior to July
1, 2011.
The Professional Year/SMIPA program remains an important government initiative with 5 points attached
There is an obvious focus on increased English language skills, meaning most students will require an IELTS 7.0 PLUS the Professional Year in order to meet the new points threshold. As a result, from January 2011 PPA will be providing IELTS support as a part of the PY program which can be undertaken during the Professional Year.

The benefits of the Professional Year program remain unchanged and we will continue to offer a quality program with proven results.

Details of the new points test are available at: http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/g ... ion/whats-new.htm#h

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


回复 · 2010-11-16 15:33:45